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Hair Extensions

Lucy’s hair extensions – dedicated to Safe, Damage-Free hair extensions. Why are my hair extensions safe?


When fitting hair extensions, it is important to ensure that they are done correctly and by someone with experience.


1) We use the most expensive professional products – having the tiny nano rings custom made to the clients specifications and using the finest quality lightweight Russian Slavic Hair.


2) We have a dedicated team who work within my salon to custom-make each and every strand for my clients so that I can match weight-for-weight according to hair type. This is a totally unique offering which means that we’ll create natural-looking results, but also offer assurances that hair extensions at Lucy’s salon are applied safely – according to your own hair type.


3) Our team have been trained to the highest of standards, and gained over 13 years of experience working with hair extensions, meaning we can deliver the highest level of service available today. Lucy is passionate about bringing hair extensions to clients that are natural-looking, easily maintained and most importantly are safe and suitable for long-term wear.


5) We will offer clients thorough aftercare advice – this is a hugely important part of maintaining hair health and one which we take seriously. 


We offer all types Hair Extension Techniques here at Lucys Hair Extensions:

The Perfect Colour Match

To create natural-looking hair extensions we need to get the colour perfect. Lucy has developed a technique called the ‘Colour Blending Technique’.  We take hair from selected ponytails and mix them together to create finely blended, multi-tonal hair that matches yours perfectly without creating the “stripey look”. This service is what makes us different – it takes time to create bespoke hair extensions for each client, but we believe it is worth it as the results are so much more natural.

Hand-made strands

Once we have mixed the hair we hand-make each strand.   Lucy imports perfect ponytails,  and our dedicated team draw by hand the individual strands for our clients.  This is the ONLY way to get a perfectly bespoke colour match.  As we hand-make each strand in house, we can also adjust the sizes of the strands which creates beautiful natural movement. We offer a genuine bespoke service for each of our clients.

Superior Hair Quality

To create truly natural-looking hair extensions, Lucy believes that the highest quality hair is required.  Lucy has spent over 10 years sourcing the finest quality Russian hair to import into the UK for use in the salon.  The hair you have fitted at Lucy’s Hair Extensions will be beautifully smooth and healthy from start to finish, meaning you can enjoy styling it and wearing it with pride.

Maintenance and Follow up

We know you will leave the salon looking the best you have ever looked.  To help you create that same polished look at home, we will always provide styling tips and maintenance advice.  We want you to feel confident with your new hair.  As our client, you are always welcome back to the salon for any small adjustments – that may be a fringe trim, or moving some hair extensions, or re-shaping the front etc. We want you to look good for the entire time you are wearing your hair extensions.  We am always at the end of a phone!

Micro/Nano Rings or Micro Bonds.


Micro Rings



For this we uses tiny copper rings to fit handmade strands of hair.  The micro ring method is very popular as it is a reusable and non-shedding method so you do not lose volume throughout the wear of your hair extensions. No glue is used to fit the hair making this an attractive method if you’d rather not have glue attached to your hair.  We use the smallest copper rings available to make this a discreet and comfortable method.  Your micro ring hair extensions (also called nano rings) will last for around 4-5 months and can then be re-fitted again at half the cost, making this a more affordable method.






This method uses keratin resin to fit hair by moulding bonds by hand.  This method is discreet and comfortable and is really useful for those with finer hair and for those who would like to add hair in more prominent areas, like the fringe. We absolutely love this versatile method – as we can make tiny tiny bonds where needed and offer something more for clients who need a really discreet method of adding hair.  The micro bonds will last for 3 – 4 months. This method is used mainly for the Russain hair.


Micro Bonding

We also offer La weaves, invisible weaves, tapes,

pre bonded, microwefts, mini tips, ultra tips,

pro tips & twin tabs.

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